events and news of the Inali Dancers, an intertribal native dancing, singing, and culture group in western illinois

Thursday, August 24, 2006

a busy september

After a lull through august, we've got a busy month in september. First is practice friday the 1st at Ellen's, then the men's prison the 9th. The veterans powwow at seven circles is the 16th and 17th, and on the 23rd we will be performing at Oquaka for a heritage day.
We were worried for a while that the Oquaka people wanted us to be background in their pageant, but we will be giving a seperate performance, although they would like us to provide some songs during the pageant. It starts at noon that saturday.
It's great to have Ellen back, and the friday practice's will again be at her house, but tuesday practice will stay at Jerry's.
I had a great time out west, and Ellen and I really enjoyed Taos pueblo. I'm going to have a lot more to say about the trip at Daryl's Den.
Also, if you don't mind the drive, the Tipton, Indiana powwow is over Labor day weekend again, at the 4H grounds. They always have a huge number of vendors, you can buy just about anything.


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