events and news of the Inali Dancers, an intertribal native dancing, singing, and culture group in western illinois

Thursday, June 01, 2006

fun at the rendesvous

We had fun at the rendevous last weekend, even though it got into the mid 90's both days.
The turnout was sparse, both the public and the rendevous'ers, but we had a good group turnout, and did a lot of good singing and dancing.
Saturday Richard had to work, but the rest of the men and most of the ladies were there. We sang a lot of intertribals and some round dances, and Katie,Miranda, and Rosa did a great fancy shawl and a crow hop. The rest of the ladies danced a lot, and a few people joined us, including some kids.
Sunday Richard surprised us all by showing up (well, I knew, but I didn,t tell) and we had another great day. This time, a gentlemen had brought his traditional regalia, and gave us a war dance and a sneakup.
Check out the pictures at my picture sight, inalipics in the link list.
Tuesday at practice we blessed the new prison drum, then sang a bunch of veteran songs with it. Man, it has a great northern sound. We sang a bunch of other songs, and ended with a prayer song, so it should be ready as soon as we can get it in.
The next friday practice will probably be at Jerry's, but if not there will be signs on his door.
Don,t forget the pimitoui powwow the weekend after this.


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