events and news of the Inali Dancers, an intertribal native dancing, singing, and culture group in western illinois

Monday, September 25, 2006

Two good performances

We had a couple of good performances in the last week. Last wednesday afternoon some of us went to a day nursing care center in Galesburg and performed for the people there and the staff. These elders were generally much more alert and physically stronger than those at some nursing homes we go to, and many of them really got into it. There were many volunteers there too, and a number of them joined us for several dances, so we really had a lot of energy. Afterward, there were many very good questions. All in all, it was worth taking the day off work.
Saturday we went to Oquaka to perform at a town celebration. They were doing an historical play about Black Hawk and wanted something native as part of the afternoon.
We started late because some kids had their own play they wanted to do. We had some problems with it, because of certain derogatory terms used (see Daryl's Den, I don't want to go into it here), and because all the "indians" in this play and the full length one wore plains headresses and fringed buckskin. Do some research, people!
We had a good turnout of the group, and a really nice sized crowd, most of whom seemed genuinely interested, and really had a great performance. Except the guys gave me a trick song for my straight dance and REALLY got me good! I was very embarressed, I shouldn't fall for that anymore.
We have Mount Pisgah coming up in october, then things slow down for a while, although we may get some things around thanksgiving (I know what people will think, but we like use the chance to tell some of the native side of the story).
See everyone friday at practice.


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