more on chillicothe
A few more things on the mini powwow at Chillicothe. First of all, the weather was perfect, sunny but not too hot. There were surprisingly many people there, especially sunday, and a good number of dancers. Many of the spectators got involved, which added to the good spirits. Rainbow Singers did their usual fine job, and we were on too, so there were a lot of good songs, both days, and a lot of good dancing. We had round dances, intertribals, two steps, exhibitions, and a rabbit dance. I hope they keep this event going, it's a lot of fun.
Black Fox drum is going to sing at a benefit dance in Pontiac on Sept. 29th, from 12 to 6. This is to help an ill lady, Peggy Bohm/Lee. Everyone is welcome. It's at the 4H park.
We will have practice this friday, tho I won't be there.
I have some more pictures I'm going to put up, but because of my vacation plans, I probably won't get to it for a couple of weeks.
Those of you addicted to the books by the Gears will be interested to know they both have books out on their own. Richard has a couple of them, I will try to find out more.
Black Fox drum is going to sing at a benefit dance in Pontiac on Sept. 29th, from 12 to 6. This is to help an ill lady, Peggy Bohm/Lee. Everyone is welcome. It's at the 4H park.
We will have practice this friday, tho I won't be there.
I have some more pictures I'm going to put up, but because of my vacation plans, I probably won't get to it for a couple of weeks.
Those of you addicted to the books by the Gears will be interested to know they both have books out on their own. Richard has a couple of them, I will try to find out more.