events and news of the Inali Dancers, an intertribal native dancing, singing, and culture group in western illinois

Thursday, March 01, 2007

we had some cold members

I don't have much to say tonight because, frankly, I can't think of much. Some of our people got caught in the big power outages saturday. I know at least Dinah, Brenda, Jerry, and Ellen were out. Some got it back sunday, but a couple not until at least monday, maybe later. Everyone seems to have found warm places to go.
Ellen's house is fine, so we will have practice there like usual friday. There is a possibility of blowing snow tomorrow, so don't risk your life if it's bad.
We've got the men's prison the last saturday in March, be there by 11:30.
Also, of course, the Creve Coure rendesvous memorial day weekend.
I just learned that the Joliet Junior College powwow is March 10th. That's usually a great powwow. I know the Rainbow singers will be there, and Eagle Ridge usually is, although I haven't heard for sure.
Also, don't forget the Mother's Day powwow at Seven Circles.
I want to pass along that Butch won't have drum teaching March 10th (obviously, they'll be in Joliet).

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