events and news of the Inali Dancers, an intertribal native dancing, singing, and culture group in western illinois

Saturday, April 28, 2007

something we can do

I have been asked what we can do about the situation in my last post. Well, I found something. Follow this link:


just read, do what you can.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

justice for natives

I just read this, it's shocking:

One in three Native American or Alaska Native women will be raped at some point in their lives. Most do not seek justice because they know they will be met with inaction or indifference.

Most of these rapes are committed by outsiders and never prosecuted, not because local authorities don't want to, but because by law they can't! The Native Major Crimes act won't let them.

Under the act, seven major crimes--if committed by an Indian in Indian country--were placed within federal jurisdiction, regardless of whether the victim of the crime was an Indian

Basically, the FBI has to be called in for these crimes, and the FBI really doesn't care.

The Major Crimes Act was a great intrusion into the internal sovereignty of the tribes in that it deprived the tribes of the ability to try and to punish serious offenders in Indian country. The theory underlying it was that Indian tribes were not competent to deal with serious issues of crime and punishment.

Saving burial grounds and things is a great cause, but if you want something that really needs to change, here it is.

Don't forget practice friday, and I hope to see everybody at the Mothers Day powwow at seven circles.

(P.S.- I passed my test.)

Saturday, April 21, 2007

from Rita

This is from Rita Coolidge, one of my favorite singers and a fellow Cherokee:


Sweet eyes of my father
In my own eyes I can see
The vision of the ancient Cherokees.
Sweet sacred inspiration
That he passes on down to me,
Heartbeat of the gentle Cherokee.
And I heard him say...
That's just the way love is
When love is bliss.

And we will walk the mighty circle
Double cross the hands of time.
Laugh and we'll cry as egos die
Until we get to the other side
Put on our wings and fly.

The soul of sweet forgiveness
Walks his path with dignity.
With the wisdom of
The ancient living Cherokee
I come from his deep water
As much like him as I can be.
And I carry to my own children
The promise of the Cherokee.
And I heard him pray...
That everywhere God is
Let freedom live.

And we will walk that sacred circle
Double cross the hands of time
As nations die and hearts unite
Til we get to the other side
Put on our wings and fly

Song of Monolah
Sing of Mother earth
Let every man live free
Let every voice be heard
Let every child be born
Knowing the way.

And we will walk that sacred circle
Join our hands across all time.
Living in peace we believe
We're gonna get to the other side.
We're going to put on our wings and fly
When we get to the other side.
Join our voices across the sky
Til we get to the other side.

We're gonna wear our Cherokee pride
When we get to the other side.
We're gonna leave this world behind
When we get to the other side.
We're going to put on our wings and fly
When we get to the other side.
Join our voices across the sky
Til we get to the other side.
We're gonna wear our Cherokee pride
Til we get to the other side.

We're gonna leave this world behind
When we get to the other side.
We're going to put on our wings and fly
When we get to the other side.
Join our voices across the sky
Til we get to the other side.
We're gonna wear our Cherokee pride
Til we get to the other side.


Monday, April 16, 2007

Yes, I'm still here

I know I haven't posted a lot lately, but work pressures are still bad, plus I really haven't had a lot to talk about.
We had a decent practice friday, quite a few people came, (Richard wasn't there because of an illness in his family, we're all praying for him). We had a lot of energy, and worked on some new songs. There's practice tuesday at Jerry's.
We don't have anything until the Mother's Day powwow, then things get busy for a while, (see last post, and I'll fill in as things get closer).
I hope the meeting saturday at Ellen's went well, it's a great cause. Thinking of it reminded me of a unique new approach one of the western states (I can't remember which one) has tried. They passed a law basically allowing information on locations of archaeological sites, burials and such to only be released to qualified people with a good reason. Before anyone who wanted to raid them could go to a university library and find out where they are. It's limited, but it's a start.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

not much to say

I don't really have a lot to talk about now, the whole situation at work is taking all my concentration.
In case anyone hasn't heard, there is going to be a meeting at Ellen's next saturday about the attempt to get laws protecting burial sites and old graveyards. I believe people will be there at 9:00 or 9:30 in the morning. I don't know much else, you'll have to call Ellen for more info.
This month is quiet, but next month things pick up, with the Mother's Day powwow, probably the women's prison, a nursing home performance, and Creve Coure Memorial day weekend. I hope winter goes away by then.

Don't forget practice next friday at Ellen's.

Monday, April 02, 2007

prison powwow

We had a nice powwow at the mens prison saturday. There weren't a huge number of prisoners there, but there were enough, and some of the ones there seemed to be up for it. We had a nice group, some of those who normally go couldn't make it, but Katie and Rosa went, and put on their regalia. The guys really loved that!
In the parking lot afterward, Katie discovered she had lost her car keys! We panicked, we turned her bag and car upside down. It turned out okay, Jim went back in to ask the guards, and they found them where they had searched the bag.
Jerry is trying to learn a sneak up from them, and they had a great crow hop we'd like. One of the singers shared his family song with us, we really felt honored.
We are setting up a performance at a nursing home in Farmington, probably friday, May 19th at 7:00 PM. We could really use any help we can get there, I'll put up more later or call me, Jerry, or Ellen.
I'm looking at some new web sites, if they're worth it I'll talk about them later (some sites look great at first but turn out to be kind of empty.)
